Sunday, February 12, 2006

Can I be lazier?

Well I don't think it's possible (the lazier part) This weekend we were supposed to go to Barrie for a visit but it was called off due to too-many-kids-sick-per-healthy-adult-ratio ... Hannah and Henry both have colds, and Hannah has had a fever on and off this weekend, it's hard to get a handle on if she is actually well, because a few hours later she is not feeling well again. I feel like I didn't really do anything this weekend, I managed to skip swimming for the past week and I can feel it. My gut feels like it's growing as I type this. I am going to pay severely the next time I get in the pool, you miss a few swims and it's hard to get up to that speed again. I did leave the house once get a large - double cream only Tim Horton's coffee...and they raised the price too... 4 cents.

Jack had a friend over today. His buddy James from pre-school, it's too bad they aren't at the same school, they play really nicely together. It worked out that James and Jack will be on the same soccer team this summer, I am again coaching...and James' Dad will be coaching also. Jack is also joining blastball - which is some kind of introduction to baseball. Hannah has decided she wants to join t-ball, so we have to sign her up for that very soon as registration has already begun. These kids are busy, but we found last summer they were very bored by mid-July and it's good exercise so as long as they are interested...

Well I have no pictures to put with this post. Wait, maybe there is an oldie but a goodie around here somewhere....

Henry almost 2 years ago!!! with Jack...


Blogger Andrew said...

Yay! Baseball!

- Andrew

4:29 PM  

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