Friday, November 20, 2009

I don't like being green

I have decided I do not care about the environment any longer. Really, I mean I like plastic, I enjoy the smell of gasoline and I want to hear that car coming down the street - I predict many people being struck by one of those silent electric cars in the future! I think every community should have a landfil, and if not then we should put our garbage in old mines. I like my old dollar store lightbulbs, not those florescent kind, they take too long to turn on and they aren't bright enough. I don't want a self composting toilet, or big solar panels on my roof, I like to turn up my heater when I'm cold and if I had hair I would be using aersol hairspray.

Call me crazy, but I enjoy a little Bisphenol A in my water bottles, and if some ice is melting up north sobeit. Al Gore was funny on 30 Rock last night - but really I can't listen to him anymore. Yes, I watched An Inconvient Truth, and it was compelling, but really I'm just not that interested any longer.

And No...Dana doesn't agree with any of this....and that is what makes a marriage work..


Blogger Andrew said...

Nobody wants to do these things; they're just things that have to be done for the sake of others. That's why they're called sacrifices. It's like saying "excuse me" on a crowded bus instead of just punching everyone in the head. Or getting out of the swimming pool when you have to take a crap. Or blogging.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:49 PM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Wow, Jason. I just tossed some 'organic' in with my 'garbage' in solidarity.




Can't! Do! It! Must! Sort! AAAAAARRRHHHhggggggg!

6:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoy your examples of thoughtful behavior, Andrew. And, I love that Dana hasn't even bothered to comment!

Jen B

9:55 PM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

It's a slippery slope Jason. I have days I don't want to look after the environment. And neither do I want to look after my home. or my family. or my personal hygiene. Must be done.

10:46 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Wow!I just read this now...shows how much we communicate in this house. It took a birthday call to my brother for me to know Jason had posted this! I love the "punching everyone in the head" comment! Al Gore WAS funny on 30 Rock!

10:29 PM  
Blogger Pen & Rix Place said...

Good news! Jason may be on the right track. Population (world) should start to decline around 2050 (if we get there) as the fertility rate is falling.

Financial advisor suggests I excercise less, eat more and take up smoking.

Most messages are mixed. Mixed media?


11:13 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Unfortunately, the population will have increased by 2.6 billion from where it is now by that point — a whopping 40%. Massive worldwide economic and social crises will have already been going on for at least thirty years by then, due to the amount of oil left under the ground being far less than what is required. Meanwhile, the Arctic will probably be ice-free in the summer, over a million species will probably have been driven to extinction, and human deaths from global warming will have risen above 300,000 a year. This is two generations we're talking about here! We may or may not be alive to see this pleasant scenario, but lots of people we know will be, not to mention their children. It may already be too late, but until it definitely is, we can only act with the hope that it isn't.

3:52 PM  

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