Friday, October 02, 2009

Must Blog!

Been a while again! Unfortunately I have no new pictures to post, been busy with a few photo assignments though. Kids have got back into the routine of school and of course, we all have colds now. Too much burning the candle at both ends (for the kids and for us!) So this weekend we're actually taking it easy (relatively). We were going to head out to another hockey fundraiser tonight (4th in 2 weeks) but Jack was sad we would be getting a babysitter again and we agreed. Instead it will be family movie night. It's Markham Fair weekend so I will be spending as much time there shooting as I can. It is a volunteer committee and I have to remind myself of that over and over! I do love shooting and attending the fair, but Jack has hockey games Sat and Sun and I don't want to miss them. Hannah ran in her first cross-country meet for the year yesterday and came in 39th...I don't know how many runners there were for her age group, I think around 60 so she was pretty pleased with her finish. I'm really proud of her. She goes to school half an hour early 3 mornings a week to run!! She doesn't get that from me! Guides, Cubs & Beavers have started. Henry was so excited! We have to remind ourselves to spend more time explaining things to him. He gets pulled along in the whirlwind of our lives and was counting down the days until Beavers started but then eventually asked us, "what do we do at Beavers anyway?" He was hoping it involved eating!
Anyhow, gotta get these guys to school then off to work to jiggle!


Blogger Jen said...

I think a bit of downtime would be good! I think I would have lost the plot ages ago if I was that busy- have a chilled weekend!

2:25 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Is this jiggling like those vibrating belts people used to stand in in the fifties?

You sound kind of insanely busy. Hope you can enjoy the juggling as much as the jiggling.

8:40 AM  

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