Friday, June 09, 2006

Presenting Hannah's Castle.... She made this castle as a class project. They were learning all about structures, and part of the lesson was to make one on her own (with a little help). She actually came up with the idea, how it looked, and kept a journal throughout the two weeks she had to work on it. We took a picture of it...because it is now in the that awful? You can't keep everything...she didn't seem to mind...


Blogger Andrew said...

Looks great. You're definitely going to Hell. I believe part of the third circle is reserved for unsentimental parents.

Are those popsicle sticks or tongue depressors? I can't get a sense of scale.

- Andrew

9:29 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Tongue depressors around the perimeter, popsicle sticks on the roof...a bit confusing.

11:45 AM  

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