Saturday, June 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Lini!

So yesterday we celebrated Tabitha's birthday. Tabitha is Hannah's stuffed cat. A couple of weeks ago Hannah was being awfully quiet up in her room. When I went to see what she was up to, she was at her desk making invitations and loot bags out of paper for a birthday party for Tabitha. She had already checked the family calendar and found a date that was free! She asked me if it was ok and since she had only invited 3 friends, I thought, sure. Her friends all made birthday cards and I made cupcakes and we ordered pizza. The girls just played and listened to music and wrote giggly notes. It was a good excuse to have a few friends over.

In fact, Jack had just had 2 friends (and their Moms) over in the afternoon for lunch and a play since he finishes school before lunch. So they were pretty excited and tired by bedtime. Jason had to head back in to work last night so I let Hannah & Jack stay up with me and watch America's Funniest Videos. A pretty kid-friendly show and the humour was right up their alley! They were laughing uncontrollably at grooms fainting at the altar and cats chasing their own tails...a very nice day!

~ Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

That's so cute. Hannah sure has initiative, eh? I bet she was a perfect hostess too.

- Andrew

1:07 PM  

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