Thursday, June 01, 2006

Old News...but funny.

You may have already read about this but if you haven't it sure is funny!

The BBC has apologised after putting a mystery man, possibly a taxi driver, on the air in a live interview, mistaking him for a computer expert who was waiting at the reception desk.

The man's mouth opened in horror as the camera cut to him in the British Broadcasting Corporation's News-24 television studio, where he had been seated on a stool by a floor manager, a microphone clipped to his lapel.

A business presenter, sitting opposite, introduced the clearly startled man as the editor of a technology website, and asked if he was surprised by computer company Apple's victory in a trademark dispute over The Beatles' Apple Corps.

"I'm very surprised to see this verdict to come on me because I was not expecting that," he replied, with a strong French accent, in broken English.

He gamely answered two more questions about music downloading, before the presenter thanked him and moved on.

He was actually at the BBC for a job interview, which he didn't end up getting. But now there is a push by the public for the BBC to hire him. I watched the video of this a few days ago and it's quite funny, the poor man looked very scared, but he sure played along, meanwhile the real expert was waiting in the green room for someone to come and get him.


Blogger Andrew said...

Alison sent me the link to this clip at work and I had to watch it a few times. It's pretty funny.

- Andrew

1:00 PM  

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