Wednesday, May 31, 2006

1st Soccer Game

Jack had his first soccer practice and game tonight. We almost didn't go because of the huge lightning storm we had just before it started, but it cleared a little and we were able to make it. He was very excited about it, and he did amazing - what a difference a year makes. At one point he got a breakaway and headed for the goal, but some other rugrat stole the ball away. Last year he was more timid, but tonight Jack was right in there on every play. Another storm rolled in so we had to stop early, but a good start to the season!

Hannah was to have a t-ball practice tonight, but it was cancelled. Her first game is on Tuesday and she is really excited. She already knows a few girls on her team so that makes it even better.

And Henry...what a little fish that one is. He has only been in the pool twice so far this year, but he wanted me to let go of him (he wears water wings) so I let him, and off he went paddling away, happy as a clam (are clams happy?). Anyway he swam around with a huge smile, lapping the water up. I told him to show Mama how he swims and humms (the humming is a trick that our friend Nicola taught the kids to do so they would keep their mouths shut while swimming). So Henry did...he swam around saying Humm humm humm humm...instead of actually humming, drinking the water as he swam - he hasn't caught on yet I guess.


Blogger EJ said...

What a little cutie that Henry is. I can't wait to get Bennett in the pool with him. Did you guys lose your power last night. Ours was gone when I left for work (6pm ish). Not sure when it came back on.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

You better watch out or you're going to have three little jocks on your hands. Just kidding -- that's awesome that they're so involved in physical activities.

We didn't notice any power outage last night.

- Andrew

8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to keep up with the kids, even though we're only two blocks away. Any pictures of the soccer game?
Our power blinked several times - just enough to have to reset all the clocks, etc.
Off to Niagara with Laurie Glencross. Be back Saturday.

9:27 AM  

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