Tuesday, May 30, 2006

It was scary...

Adding on to what Jason wrote, it's crazy making your brain work in emergency mode when you've just been woken. I didn't even know what to think. I was feeling certain we were leaving our house forever. Hannah's fear stems from a fire drill at her school in kindergarten that they didn't explain very well and she thought the school was actually on fire. They sure had a lot of questions on the way to school this morning and Henry kept asking about Amy & Otto in a cage. That was fascinating to him!Our house is fine. No one else's house was damaged but looking back, I think we may have been evacuated for fear of an explosion since pool heaters run on gas...not sure though. The whole back of the people's house is gone...I think it will require rebuilding the whole thing. They're on a different street than us since they're across our back fence and a couple of doors down so I don't know them. I sure feel sorry for them though. I did have a strange sense of calm (ok, calm is the wrong word, I wasn't exactly calm, but maybe security?) as we were leaving our house though knowing that our whole family and cats were together even if we didn't have any stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who decided to bring the cats?? Good old Jason!


9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:51 PM  

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