Saturday, May 27, 2006

A Good Day

Today was one of those great days with the kids, busy but great. Dana had a wedding last night to shoot so we let her sleep in and the kids and I got on our bikes and biked to "Tim-Tim Horton's" as Henry calls it, for some coffee and a donut. It is a pretty long bike ride for them and they managed pretty well. Henry kept nudging me to pedal if I was waiting for the other two to come along. After a stop at the park on the way home, we brought Dana a donut as she frantically got ready for another wedding - this one an 11 hour wedding! After changing into some shorts we were off to Hannah and Jack's preschool reunion, it's was actually the school's 30th anniversary. The kids were really happy to see their old teacher's, there were photo's from when they attended, kids games, a clown and we stayed for pizza. Henry will go there too in September 2007 - hopefully the teaching staff stays the same.

After getting home, Henry went right down for his nap and so we went for a nice long swim, it was a relaxing time and Jack's friend Kabir was over too. When Henry woke up we took him in the pool too and he loved it - what a little fish that one is.

Now it's getting late but Hannah and Jack are still up, we are waiting for it to get dark out so we can see the stars - they have been talking about the big dipper and remembering when we were in Maine and they went outside late at night to see all of the stars.

A great day, great weather - the only thing missing was Dana - she should be home in an hour or two! Tomorrow my three Aunts are visiting for lunch then Dana has another shoot in the afternoon.


Blogger EJ said...

Sounds like a really fun day. Packed with lots of cool things. Did you find the Big Dipper? My day was much less eventful - sleep, try to sleep, sleep some more, quick dinner, then work.

2:44 AM  

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