Saturday, June 03, 2006

Great Wedding...

I just got home from possibly the best wedding I've ever photographed. It was beautiful, but not because it was in a classy, well-decorated venue or the oldest church with stained glass everywhere, it was beautiful because of the people. I have never met a more down-to-earth, kind, comfortable group of people. Everyone was there to have a good time and to celebrate the couple. No one was pretentious or rude. No one was judging. No one seemed bitter or jealous. And believe it or not, there is almost always someone who is. This was a lesbian wedding and the minister gave a fantastic sermon. It was so personal. He told the congregation that 5 years ago on the very spot that the couple stood, he married the first gay couple (legally) in the whole entire world. He also explained that at that wedding there had been 30 police officers waiting in the church basement, protestors picketing outside the church and he (the minister) was assigned a body guard and had to wear a bullet proof vest. "Look how far we've come in 5 years", he said. Both families and their extended families were so happy for the couple. Both families welcomed the other to their family. One of the girls gave a heart-wrenching speech about wishing she could go back and show herself, when she was 11 years old, how it would all turn out since she had been so miserable as a young girl. She thanked people who may feel outside their comfort zone for coming and supporting them anyway. They were just a fantastic and beautiful bunch of people. I kind of didn't want to leave when my time was up!
~ Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

Maybe you're a lezbo.

- Andrew

1:11 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

You know I'm totally joking, by the way. I thought it was pretty funny and couldn't resist, but sorry if you don't. I have to watch my impulses with that kind of humour. Once at the print shop we were printing a map, for Pride Week, of gay-friendly businesses in Halifax, and I went around the shop saying to everyone, "Look at this -- those stupid fags forgot to put us on their map." I thought it was one of the funniest things ever, but the only other person who found it mildly amusing was a guy who has a history of being a little homophobic.

Anyway, I'm glad it was such a nice time. Sounds like a really sweet affair.

- Andrew

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Were they hot? 'Cause in pornos lesbians are always hot, but in the real world they really aren't. Life is so unfair.


2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure anyone got what you were trying to say. Or maybe everyone has to make a joke or they feel uncomfortable. I'm glad it made everyone at the service feel so at ease and welcome.

9:33 PM  

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