Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I hate being the bad guy

Tonight was Hannah's first t-ball game and she did great! She scored a few runs and made a few plays it was great to watch. Way to go Hannah! The team was a little disorganized, Dana helped out getting the kids ready at the beginning and I helped out at third base during the game. I was helping by telling the kids when to run to third and on to home when they were supposed to as most of them have never played before. A father of one of the kids kept shouting out to me "You know they can keep running until the umpire calls time out" "Okay" I said... Why isn't he helping I thought... a few plays later I didn't tell the kids to keep running, mostly because it was their first time and I just thought I would let them stop and figure out which base they were on! So this guy says again "You have to tell them to run until the ump calls time out"...I turned and said "You know...you can coach second base"... shouldn't have but I did..he stammered a little and turned to a bunch of parents explaining the rules of the game, how the game is played...blah blah blah. What a jerk. I don't even want to coach this one, I was just helping out - I am already doing soccer. It put me in a bad mood.

Then at the end to top it all off Jack had a snack-meltdown, he wasn't offered a snack at the end of the game. It sounds pretty greedy...which it was, no excuses here. At Jack's soccer we rotate snack duty, and bring snacks for all of the kids and for the siblings...but this isn't done at Hannah's t-ball...well - It was a full blown fit. The kind where you feel sorry for the parents...or don't because you think "Can't they control their kid"...sometimes you just can't. I hated being the bad guy, I don't like to say no...it's just easier saying yes. Jack and I had a good talk after he calmed down at home and this shouldn't happen again. He is fast asleep now. He cried himself to sleep a little...so tired that he didn't even know why he was crying anymore.

It was a fun game to watch, just makes you feel kind of crappy to end the day that way.


Blogger Andrew said...

Poor li'l guy. I remember Dad used to sometimes stop for a milkshake at McDonald's after my infamously unsuccessful baseball games, and even though it was supposed to be an occasional special treat, I always felt a little gypped when it didn't happen. I also remember that I would always get banana flavour. Did they have those for awhile, or was it just that one summer?

- Andrew

1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a neat memory, And. I didn't even remember that. I don't know about banana milkshakes but it sounds great!
It's always hard to say "no" to your kids ( ask Dana).. sometimes it hurts you more when they are disappointed than it does them. It is not a scar for life - even though it seems that way at the time.


9:56 PM  

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