Monday, October 10, 2005

Turkey dinner!

Thanks Mom for the excellent Thanksgiving dinner! Dad's right, we do have so much to be thankful for!Don't know if it's the turkey or the wine or the fact that my Dayquil has worn off, but I'm beat. Heading to bed early...the kids crashed early too. Jack's still not feeling great (as you can see). I found it hard to take photos while chasing Henry (he's really into everything! Jason has to keep reminding me that it won't last long and to enjoy this age!) and didn't have the right lens with me to get the whole gang at the dinner table, but I think I've got everyone covered in the random photos I did get. We missed you And & Ali! - d


Blogger Andrew said...

Looks like a pretty great time. We missed you guys too. Henry's hair is awesome!

- Andrew

6:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the pictures ( and Hannah's poems or whatever they are). I made turkey soup tonight so will try to get some over tomorrow sometime.

9:16 PM  

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