Monday, October 03, 2005

When a vaccine isn't really a vaccine....

Well....Hannah might have the chicken pox, even though she has had the chicken pox vaccine! What good is a vaccine if it doesn't work. I have heard of this before, last year in fact a little boy in Hannah's class got the chicken pox even though he had the vaccine. Anyway, Dana is at the doctor's this morning to confirm, she has a few dots on her torso, not at all itchy or anything. This vaccine can make the symptoms minimal, which is more dangerous maybe because you might just keep sending your child to school with the virus.

update....Dana returned from the doctor's and it may be the chicken pox, the blisters, if they were that have healed over already, very frustrating to not even know for sure. She is safe to return to school tomorrow if nothing new develops.


Blogger EJ said...

The vaccine may not have worked for the same reason that I got chicken pox twice. But still, it sucks. Especially since you had to pay for it!

1:13 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

I don't think anyone can GUARANTEE a vaccine will work...I'm not one who strongly believes it helps to vaccinate against everything anyway. Dana

1:26 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Poor li'l Hannah! Chicken pox SUCKS!

Those kids sure looked cute in their matching overalls at the Markham Fair. Wish I could be around for some of that action.

- Andrew

4:07 PM  

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