Saturday, October 01, 2005

We have a new mailman!

Now that's an exciting title, isn't it? Maybe not for you, but for our family it is, here's why...

I took for granted, the trust involved with someone caring for your mail. They could be tempted to read it, open it, be just all around nosy, which is fine....just don't let on that you do that to the people you deliver mail to. This mailman would come hand us the mail and say "So who do you know in Windsor?"... or "Looks like your tax return is here!" It creeped us out a little, that he would know my family lives in Windsor, that I bank with CIBC. Our neighbor's were also a little leary of his ways, to them he would ask "So it's looks like you're going on a trip, where to?" while he was holding their CAA travel booklets.

The topper was nothing about delivering mail though, he once came up to Dana while she was gardening in the front yard, and started talking about how sore his back is and told her that he has a hole in his back or some nonsense. Dana responded how Dana responds when she doesn't believe someone... "Oh come on" and he proceeded to take his shirt off and show her his wounds.

Now we have spoken about this mailman in the past, and people have told us to report him so he would be taken off our route...we thought that we would just let it slide and maybe his wounds would heal.....he would find someone else to annoy, we were freaked that he would find out and still deliver our mail, keeping our Readers Digest from arriving... or anything that involved money...

So we waited, patiently. And now Dana has just told me that we have a new mailman...Yes!

But now that I think of it, maybe he is just off on a leave or something, getting that hole stiched up.


Blogger Andrew said...

Congratulations, if it really is true. You guys really have to read the novel "Mailman" by, uh, somebody Lennon? I think? It's very funny. The main character is the worst mailman you could possibly imagine.

By the way, is that Frodo in the mailbag?

- Andrew

12:46 AM  

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