Sunday, October 02, 2005

Weekend's Over

The weather has been great the past few days, I can't believe it's October. We went to Markham Fair again on Friday with the whole family and we met Eri and Mike & Bennett too. The kids went on a few rides, Henry on his first.

On Saturday Dana had a very early wedding, but she was home so early in the afternoon that we decided to go out for dinner, which was great, the kids were so busy with crayons and stickers at the table, that Dana and I were able to have a conversation for a few minutes.

Today we rushed to fit in apple picking, we just haven't had the time to fit things in lately, we would of liked to spend a little more time at the orchard, but we just picked one bag(Courtland...but honestly, I can't tell the difference between all the varities...I know Granny Smith's are green..Mac's I know, but that's it.), played in the playgound and left, Jack and I went to my work for a couple of hours. It's the start of hockey season, and TSN has 4 games on Wednesday so it's a mad house around there, while I was working Jack played on my computer and watched tv. When we got home, the smell of apple crumble filled the house, it was great! Tonight, Dana is at another wedding, actually the same wedding as yesterday, just over 2 days... we drove over to Markham fair again, but this time to pick up the crafts the kids made & Jack's ribbons. Hannah did get a ribbon actually...a purple participation ribbon, so she was very happy about that. Jack's ribbons are on his bed tonight, he wanted to sleep with them so he could see them first thing in the morning.

I didn't make it to swimming tonight, no time. Oh well it starts up 3 nights a week this week, so I guess I can use a break before it gets serious. I meant to close the pool today too, but ran out of time, but I just looked and it is supposed to be 28, 27, 26 degrees for the next 3 days!! GO October!


Blogger EJ said...

Look at those 3 cuties in their matching outfits. They look like they'd fit right in on a farm.

1:12 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

yeah...i just kind of had that 'i can't believe i have 3 kids' moment.... i do, don't i? wow.

2:07 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

that was me .... jason

2:08 PM  

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