Sunday, October 09, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

So it is Thanksgiving sunday, and it is a beautiful day outside, and the kids all have colds and so does Dana. Only Henry is miserable today, very stuffed up, sneezing and coughing on everyone. Dana is getting ready to go to another wedding today, she only has a few more this year - Yeah! It will be nice to have her back home on the weekends, although the money situation will take a nose dive.

Dana, Hannah and Jack went to school in their pj's on Thursday for story time after dinner, the kids loved it, they listenend to someone tell stories in the library and walked home in the dark in their pj's. I stayed home with Henry as I thought he wouldn't sit nice like the other kids, which was probably a good idea.

The pool is closed, finally. I haven't had the few hours it takes in weeks to get around to it, but it worked out because the hot weather we just had the kids were able to jump in for the last time. It's done now and I don't have to do anything again until spring.

I am so hungry for turkey. We are having a turkey dinner at Dana's parents tomorrow. Then next weekend we are going to Windsor to have a dinner at my brother's farm, hopefully the weather holds out, for just 1 more weekend.


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