Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mourning the Annual Halloween Party

Well, we had a couple of parties this weekend but neither of them was our annual Halloween Party. This would have been the weekend to have it if we were going to have it, but we cancelled it this year. It's a bit sad, but I don't really know where we would have fit it in. Jason's leaving for Victoria on Tuesday and I had a wedding all day Saturday and a portrait shoot Friday. Friday would have been the only night, but it takes a full day to set up and a full day to clean up and there just wasn't the time for it...we're hoping to have a come-back party next year...we'll see.

Instead, there was the annual triple birthday party Friday night with the traditional card game after the kids were asleep. I lost by a lot, but we all had a good time.

Then today, Eri & Mike's sister hosted a Halloween party for kids! So here's a sneak peek at the kids' Halloween costumes. They ate lots of treats, played a game with gooey eyeballs and everyone had a swing at the piniata! Thanks guys for a great time! Maybe it is time to pass the Halloween Party on to the next generation.
~ Dana


Blogger Jen said...

Dana and Jason, all good things must come to and end, although maybe you should go the way of the Rolling Stones, have a come-back party every few years! The kids look great- would love to have them come to my door for treats!
Miss you guys loads!!

3:37 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Key-YOOOOT! Bennett couldn't possibly come up with a better expression for that costume. Is that a lower intestine beer bong Erika's drinking out of? Yuck.

- Andrew

4:23 PM  

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