Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New this week...

This seems to be the week for all the programs to start up!

Henry started "Totspot" yesterday...a program for 2 & 3 year olds for 2 hours once a week. They play games, sing songs, make crafts etc. He woke up grumpy and whenever I brought up Totspot he said, "I not singing songs." I think he just wanted to make sure he had some control over what was going to take place. I told him he didn't have to sing if he didn't want to and tried to talk about some of the things he might like there. He perked up when I mentioned toys and he wanted to know if they would have cars there. I told him I thought they probably would. Sure enough, the first thing he saw when we got there was a whole car set-up. He was happily playing there when I said good-bye to him and the morning went very smoothly. Interestingly enough, he was the only one of the 3 kids to tell us all the details of what he did that day at dinner last night. Hannah and Jack have never been great sharers in that way. We really have to pry the stories out of them, but Henry shared every activity right down to the fact that some little girl took his frog from him at the sand table...this is great! I never heard all the little stories from the other 2. I look forward to more next week!

Jack started his "Intro to Hockey" this afternoon. It's a program run by the town for kids who know how to skate, but aren't ready for "real hockey" yet. I must have made the mistake of telling someone that it isn't "real hockey" in front of Jack because he said to me, "I know it's not real hockey, Mummy." when we were on our way there. Oops. I assured him that he will really be learning about hockey, just not playing on a team yet. He's suddenly very interested in hockey and has been practicing on the driveway all week! He isn't a great skater yet, but he has a great shot and got it in the net every time today! Too bad I don't have any pictures of that.

Hannah starts Brownies tomorrow night. She finished Sparks in May and had some sort of hatching ceremony which made her into a full-fledged Brownie so she's very excited to wear her new uniform tomorrow. It's nothing like the old Brownie fact, there's nothing brown about it! It's orange and navy blue and consists of a t-shirt, pants or skort, tie and a sash. I must admit, I always wanted a sash when I was a Brownie. No photo for this yet either, but I'll take one tomorrow when she's all dressed up!

Jason's found out he has wonder he's been feeling so rotten! Poor guy! I kept assuring him he'd feel much better when this project at work ended, but he's actually been quite sick! He's taken 2 days' worth of his antibiotics and thinks he can feel a difference already.

So that's what's new around here. Nothing really up with me, everyone else's stuff is keeping me busy enough. I did re-join the gym after a summer hiatus so I've been fitting that between activities...feels GREAT to get back to it!

~ Dana


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Jason. I hope he can take a couple of days off work to get healthy.

Glad everyone is enjoying their activities. Hope to hear more on the weekend.


7:24 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Man, you sound busy! You're making me tired. I hope Jason feels better soon. What a bummer. I keep feeling sick, but I don't know what the heck it is. Sore throats and cankers, but it never turns into anything. I called to make an appointment to see my doctor, and found out he moved out west three months ago! Thanks for telling me. I had finally found a guy I really liked, too. Anyway, blah blah blah. Is this what they call "blogging"? Those people who talk on cell phones on buses are really annoying. Speaking of annoying, my social studies teacher is, like, so old-fashioned. Sorry, this isn't very funny. I'm just practising to see if I should post to my own blog. Maybe I'll wait another day.

- Andrew

7:29 PM  

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