Monday, September 11, 2006

Mr Piano Man

Corny title...but we just bought a used Piano!

We have been looking for quite some time and finally found one for an excellent price in town here, a young couple were looking to unload it before they moved so we lucked out, and good thing we got to it early as 5 other people were calling about it also. Dana's Mom checked it out a little for us, and gave it a thumbs up. Hannah is very excited, she started piano lessons this summer, her teacher is very nice and patient...(dana's mom again). Actually we are all pretty excited, I am looking forward to playing again, we are all going to be fighting for time when it arrives, hopefully the end of this week!



Blogger Andrew said...

That's awesome, you guys! I would love to have a piano in the house. Fun!


9:42 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Lucky ducks! I can't wait to see pictures of it. I'll trade ya a harsichord for it?

- Andrew

4:06 PM  

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