Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hannah's First Day

Jack doesn't start back to school until tomorrow, they stagger the kindergarten days so that they aren't overwhelmed (or so that the teacher isn't) all at once. But Hannah started back today and I'm looking forward to picking her up at lunch to hear all about her first day back! It was great for her to see all her friends at the school ground and for me to see all my Mom friends!


Blogger EJ said...

Wow, does Hannah ever look grown up. What a little lady she's becoming!

1:25 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Yeah. Good luck with another year, Hannah! But don't grow up TOO fast.

Good luck to you tomorrow, Jack.

- Andrew

8:26 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

You kids look great! Good luck at school!


7:27 AM  

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