Sunday, September 24, 2006

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not usually a fan of favourite flowers are tulips and I can't grow them because the bulbs are always being eaten by these pesky critters, but there's been a squirrel nest in our tree for a while now and just today a Mama squirrel brought her 4 little babies down the tree to learn to climb, explore and apparently jump out of the tree! It sure was cute! We must have watched them out our window for an hour!

Jason spent much of the day at work today, but the HD launch is tomorrow so hopefully he'll start feeling a little better and less stressed after that!

I went up to the fairgrounds atoday for my annual judging of the Markham Fair photography exhibit. It's so great to get to be over-opinionated about other people's work and to have someone actually value my opinion! I don't get away with being bossy and opinionated at home...we all need our outlet! It's an amateur competition but some of the work is really remarkable. We're becoming quite a fair-family actually. The kids have their crafts ready for judging and I'm still trying to find a way to get to the demolition derby on opening night (it's also Hannah's first night of Brownies). I think I may have also volunteered to be part of a photography committee...I haven't mentioned this to Jason yet...I'll let him wade through his stuff first!

Anyway, it was another pleasantly full weekend.

~ Dana


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