Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Anyone have HD?

Tell me yes. I have spent every moment at work on a project that will broadcast TSN SportsCentre in High Definition... Tell me someone out there has HD. It has been busy, so much to learn, tons of new equipment all set to launch on September 25. Yikes. The one good thing is the days fly by, I looked up at the clock today and it was already 1pm... The bad thing is I only checked off about 3 things on my 12+ to do list today. I did get lost in my email inbox today too...I caught up tonight at home, I counted about 45 new emails today at work - only three were personal. Not complaining...okay maybe just venting.

Henry gets his cast off tomorrow! (Hopefully) Don't want to jinx it or anything like I did last time. There was also a nice profile of my Aunt Mabel in the Windsor Star today - a remarkable person that Aunt Mabel. I will try to post it for everyone. - J


Blogger St. Louis Family said...

try clicking on it to enlarge...if still fuzzy...quickly double click on it and in the bottom right hand corner a little box will appear with arrows around on that to enlarge...

9:47 PM  
Blogger EJ said...

Very nice article on Mabel! Thanks for sharing.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pass the grass!

7:29 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I don't know anyone with HDTV, but I am doing my best to sell it to people with plenty of old-school, hard-sell advertising. Because we simply must come up with ways to get people to watch more TV. So that we can advertise to them more.

Sister Mabel sounds like a real sweetheart. The reflexology thing is a little weird, but then again what the hell am I doing to help anybody?

What is "Pass the grass!" supposed to mean?

- Andrew

5:43 PM  

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