Thursday, October 05, 2006

Windows and Knitting

That's what's new around here!

We got new windows as part of a huge vision for the house that we are working at bit by bit. Eventually we'd like to change the siding and landscaping too, but all in good time. For now, the windows change the look of the house enough to keep us happy for a long time.

The Wednesday night knitting group's first meeting was a huge success!! We were all thrilled at how much we could accomplish in such a short time. Don't look too closely at the picture, some people may be getting scarves for Christmas! Looking forward to more Wednesday nights! Missing from photo: Elaine - sorry, your eyes were closed in the other photo!

- Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

Fun! Looks like a nice bunch. And is that a wine bottle and glass I see blurred in the foreground? Even more fun. Tell me that tall woman is not your old friend, Colleen.

- Andrew

4:15 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

With the curly hair, I mean.

Oh yeah, and the windows look really great, too.

- Andrew

5:36 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

No, I don't know where Colleen is anymore...Calgary last I heard. This is a group of mothers I met through Hannah & Jack.

1:18 PM  

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