Friday, September 29, 2006

Markham Fair!

As promised here is Hannah all dressed up for Brownies...the uniform isn't even brown any longer though. Just before she left for Brownies, the kids were looking through an old box of Dana's and we found Dana's old Brownie doll. Hannah was very excited, and she brought it along with her to the first meeting!
She later told me that her leaders were talking about what their uniforms used to look like when they were Brownies - Hannah stood up and said they were like this - holding up the Brownie doll, exactly they said. Funny kid.

I am feeling better today, still not quite right, and now Dana isn't feeling great either. She took Jack to the demolition derby last night at Markham Fair - they had a great time, it's nice that they could spend some one-on-one time together. Jack went for a Monster Truck ride too.

Today I met Dana and the kids at the Fair to see Hannah and Jack's crafts. They both entered a few crafts - Jack got 3 ribbons - a 2nd/3rd/6th and Hannah got two I think - 5th and 6th. They were both very excited to show me when I got there. We didn't stay long though - a little too cold out and I was beat. We are going to go back on Sunday for rides and a longer visit.

Work will settle down soon - NHL starts on Wednesday and I after that I hope to have an easier work schedule. The HD launch went very smooth and looks really amazing. My nephews are really big fans of SportsCentre so I know someone is watching it!

Going to bed now and I am going to sleep in late....maybe even until 8am! - Jason


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool you guys! I hope you had a fun ride!

2:10 PM  

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