Monday, October 23, 2006

This Week In Blogging...

HELLO! It's been awhile....a long while. Hectic as usual around here, but everyone is great, and time is just flying by. It's about time, but work is starting to calm down, my office has been moved, which is fine, it's only for a year then I will be relocated again when CTV finishes their unending construction. I am off to Victoria next week for Figure Skating, it should be great - I am really looking forward to it, although I will miss Halloween this year. The last time I was in Victoria was in 1991, it seems so long ago now. After college I went out to B.C. for the summer and tried to find work, didn't and came home, it was fun while it lasted.

Dana is back to work in the studio a couple nights a week, only a few more weddings this year, then we have her back on the weekends. Hannah is now in a Grade Two only class - the school received more funding from the school board, and they now have a separate grade three class, so all of the grade three's were taken out of her class and moved to a new room. This turned out well, her class now only has I think 17 kids. Jack is a busy little guy, strutting his stuff now that he is in Senior Kindergarten - he sure has grown up in the past few months. And Henry...oh Henry - that one keeps us on our toes. He is cute, even when he is being naughty...laughing "hee, hee hee" when he does something he isn't supposed to. Yesterday, during what was supposed to be nap-time, I walked into his room to find him leaping from his bench onto bottom bunkbed, only during his leap I said "HENRY!" and he forgot to duck down, and SLAM - he went head-first into the top bunk. He later said "you scare me when you say henry" He's fine, he's solid that boy.

So that's the update - we promise to update more often - J


Blogger Andrew said...

Yow! Those kids are all getting so big. I even understood most of what Henry was saying to me on the phone the other night. Except for the thing about the cheese in the wind.

- Andrew

6:29 PM  

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