Monday, October 09, 2006

What a Great Weekend!

We knew it was going to be a busy one so we had it well planned out.

Friday night was a birthday celebration for Granny Gwen since we weren't able to celebrate with her in September. It was also going to be the only get-together with my family for Thanksgiving weekend so fortunately everyone was able to make it! Pizza, kids, balloons and birthday cake. Happy Birthday, again, Granny Gwen!

Saturday I had a wedding in the afternoon and Jason had to get in to work so he went in early with Hannah and Jack while I finished the Thanksgiving baking. Then while I was at the wedding, Jason had the kids out on their bikes and packed for Windsor.

Sunday we drove to John's farm for a GREAT Thanksgiving get together and dinner. 8 adults and 8 kids. Dogs, corn fields, tractors, hide & seek, turkey, pumpkin hunts, baseball. I loved that we played hide and seek until dark! It's so nice for the kids to have so much freedom on all that property. There's nowhere around here that they could run and play at such a distance from us and feel that kind of freedom with so many other kids! It was a great time and a great meal!

We spent the night at Mary & Rob's and after a nice breakfast, had a quick visit with Nancy & Doug before heading home.

Everyone's pretty exhausted, but it's that good, physical kind of worn out!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

~ Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

Not everyone was there. Wish we could have been with you guys. Looks like a really fun time. You played baseball? Cool.

Did you tell the kids to all make a crazy face at the same time, or did they somehow do that spontaneously? So cute.

The fall colours look really nice. The weather was great here too.

- Andrew

8:23 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hey, how come no one's blogging? What's going on? I need to know! Is it because you only got one comment on this post? That doesn't mean anything. Those photos are awesome and you know it. Think of your fans!

- Andrew

9:20 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I showed my class your portrait of Henry because the light was so beautiful and it was such a great photo!


7:27 PM  

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