Monday, May 15, 2006

United North America

What an odd website I stumbled on this evening, it's called, it proposes that Canada join the United States and the two join forces to strengthen ties and become a dominant force in the world.

Don't get me wrong, I like America, but I think we have it pretty good here, especially lately, well before Stephen Harper anyway.

But some of the ideas are pretty funny, but the funniest of all is what they said about poor PEI in the Frequently Asked Questions section... Weirdly enough, I think this website was created by some guy in a basement in Winnipeg...

12. What would happen to Prince Edward Island?
At a measly 2,180 square miles and a meager 139,900 in population, Prince Edward Island (PEI) would likely never be accepted as a full State in a United North America. Arguably, this tiny plot of land should not even be a Province in Canada. PEI while significantly over-represented within the Canadian Parliament would be outrageously over-represented in Congress with two Senators and one House Representative. Therefore, a more reasonable proposal would be to incorporate the island with Nova Scotia and/or New Brunswick. Of course nothing is beyond negotiation.

I better go visit before it's swallowed whole by Nova Scotia...


Blogger Andrew said...

Yeah, man, once Nova Scotia gets its greedy claws in there, PEI's gonna be nothing but a giant tourist trap of Green Gables and mini golf. Oh, wait a minute...

- Andrew

8:20 AM  

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