Friday, May 12, 2006

Blackberry's are evil I tell you

What is the deal with those blackberry things? If I have to go through another meeting where I begin talking and all anyone does is sit there and stare at their blackberry and scroll through their email I will take it away and smash it into pieces. I just had an informal meeting in my office with someone and he asked me a few serious questions about a pending project. I begin giving my observations, and then "BUZZZZZ" that's the little signal that an email has been sent, so as I am talking he starts looking at it, reading the email, then says "just a minute" and walks out of my office - doesn't return for 20 minutes, only to have this evil tool ring - yes it's a phone too, so I left my office and went for a coffee. I came back, he is no where to be found.

Now there are some responsible blackberry users out there, you know who you are, and as a non-berry user I salute you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

'That's so great that you went with all the kids! I wish I could have joined you. I love you!'

Yeah, technology makes people do weird things. Like communicate with their spouses through the comments section of their blog! :)

6:21 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

True, true. Hey, whatever works!

10:41 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I find cell phones just as bad. I once had a guy answer his while I was serving him at the counter of the print shop where I used to work, and I had to wait until he was finished his conversation before I could conclude our transaction. Meanwhile, there were people behind him getting madder and madder. And our twice-weekly meetings at work are constantly being interrupted by the "quirkily individualistic" rings of people's cells.

- Andrew

12:32 PM  

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