Friday, May 05, 2006

Record number of blogs in one day!

Somehow we usually manage to blog even when there's nothing going on. Today was more eventful than most I guess. It was a PA Day so Hannah & Jack were home from school. Jack could barely get to sleep last night he was so excited. So cute. It's not like we had anything planned today. I just kept telling them they could sleep in and have breakfast in their pyjamas. So one of the first things they did after breakfast was to all climb back into Jack's bed together! We met Eri & Bennett at the library and had a brief visit from John, but otherwise, not too much. Then tonight, after Henry was in bed, Hannah & Jack were out playing on the front lawn when they heard a musical sound that they know all too was the ice cream truck. They came running in the house screaming! I told them that if it came onto our street they could get something...I didn't think it actually would! ~ Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

Aw, man, I wish I'd been there. I went looking for an ice cream cone the other night and couldn't find one anywhere. I had to buy a whole tub of the stuff and eat it out of a bowl. Still good, but not the same.

- Andrew

10:59 AM  

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