Sunday, April 30, 2006

What a weekend!

I had such a fabulous weekend! Boy am I paying for it though...I'm exhausted & headed to bed. My friends Nancy & Jen & I planned our 10 year reunion for the Ryerson Photo Arts department for this weekend...planned is a bit of an exaggeration...we found as many people as we could on-line and sent out an evite to come to the pub that we all used to go to and to notify anyone they could find along the way. We had 17 people (plus a few spouses) show up...not too bad I think. Our full class was about 60 people and most of us spent 4 years together so we were a pretty tight bunch. It was unbelievable! So many of them I hadn't seen for a full 10 years. What I couldn't get over was how the same everyone was. 10 years hardly changed them. There were families & careers to find out about, but people looked and sounded and acted just as I had remembered! Jen came up from Ottawa & Nancy & her family came up from Windsor and we all had a great weekend together. I see Jen & Nancy more often than every 10 years, but rarely together. Thanks girlies for such a great time! ~ Dana


Blogger EJ said...

Glad you guys had such a good time. I hope the hangover has finally worn off.l

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you had enough energy to post the blog. Glad you guys had such a great time. I'll miss your blog for the next 3 weeks but we'll be having fun.
Take care all,
Love, Mum

9:30 AM  

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