Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter

We had a really nice Easter dinner with my family. It was great to have at our house since the kitchen is now all functioning. Nice to have the whole family together (minus Andrew & Ali, we missed you guys!) The kids were pretty wild and full of chocolate so they ended up going to bed about 2 hours past their bedtime, but that's ok, the weather's supposed to be great tomorrow and it's a holiday from school so I've promised them a trip to a pretty cool park that they really enjoy. It did seem like a really long weekend...I think we usually book way too much on our weekends and this time we really didn't have anything pressing. It sure was a nice change. ~ Dana


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody seems to be ding comments any more! Thanks for the great dinner, Dana ( and salad Er).Let's think about a family barbecue ( after Italy) our place.


4:05 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hey, Dane. Those are all really great pictures. Although I'm not sure how I feel about Henry going "yo yo" with a backwards baseball cap. Oh, yes I am, it's really funny. I'm glad you had such a nice time with Sharon. Looks like she was doing some fiddlin' for the kids -- they must have enjoyed that. Oh yeah, and I like your new hairdo too.

Sorry to've been so unresponsive. I'd been really avoiding the computer for awhile there. Nice to get all your news, though.


6:49 AM  

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