Saturday, April 15, 2006

Loooonnnnngggg Weekend

It sure makes a difference having and extra day off, and with that day being Happy Friday (Jack mixes it up and now has been calling it that all week) and everything is closed it forces you to rest, relax and enjoy the time at home. We chose to stay home this Easter instead of making the trek to the Windsor area - thanks for the invite Ann, but with the renovations and everything it is just nice to relax here and we are going to have Dana's family over for dinner tomorrow.

(Hannah is the horse and Jack is the "guy who rides on the sled". Today we did much of the same as yesterday, played with the kids, went to the park and just relaxed. I took the three kids to Stouffville Flea Market this morning to take a good look at the rooster's and chickens, they pet the bunnies and we just walked around looking at all the junk you could buy.

(Henry puts his hat on sideways/backwards and holds his arm up and says "Yo, Yo, Yo")

The kids put there Easter baskets out tonight and are looking forward to the bunny's arrival...Henry isn't really sure what's going to happen but he just keeps saying Cha-cha (chocolate) so he is on the right path.

Hope everyone has a nice time with their families. - J


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