Thursday, April 13, 2006

So much to blog about!

It's hard to put into words how wonderful my visit was with my friend, Sharon. I once knew her so well, we were best friends as kids and travelled through Europe together at 20, but I moved away from Nova Scotia when I was 14 and haven't seen Sharon in 9 years. I wasn't sure what to expect. I had never met her kids nor had she met mine. We've really only been in contact through email. It turns out, she's still the same Sharon, I just don't know all the details anymore. I was so sad when she left today. She has always been someone who inspires me to try new things and to be a better person. I sure hope I see her before another 9 years pass!

On another much less serious note, I have before and after pictures of my new hairdo I just had done tonight...looking at them now, neither photo is very flattering, but you get the picture.
And on an even lighter note, our granite counters are in and we have plumbing!! We're now able to host Easter dinner. Finishing touches (backsplash, baseboards, painting, last wiring, last lighting, stove vent, cabinet lights, window edging, phone jack) all to come early next week. Just over 5 weeks start to finish! ~ Dana


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