Sunday, April 02, 2006

Great weekend...

We woke up this morning and spontaneously decided (kind of rare for us) to go to the zoo. It was cool, but not freezing and since we have a family pass, we don't have to feel guilty about not spending the whole day there.

It was probably September or October since we last went and what a difference it makes with Henry. I don't think he actually saw the animals before this time! He was thrilled with everything. I think the seals might have been his favorite. He kept saying "more coming!" although it was the same 2 seals who kept swimming by. The seals were always Hannah's favorite too.

Hannah's new favorite building is full of butterflies so we made a quick stop there on our way to Africa.

We stopped for a picnic lunch near the giraffes and were home in time for Henry's nap.

The afternoon was spent bringing out the patio furniture and cleaning up the yard a bit. Jack had a friend over and the two of them and Hannah spent the whole afternoon looking for worms. I think they ended up with 15!

We had a quick visit from Eri & Mike & Bennett on their way to a party & Bennett was pretty happy with our little car. What a cutie!

- Dana


Blogger EJ said...

Looks like you had a good time at the zoo. We'll have to get out with you guys one of these days.

10:24 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Those photos are so great! The kids are super cute, and I really like that unconventional giraffe one. I could easily believe from his expression that Bennett is actually driving a car.

Aren't rooms full of butterflies the greatest? They have something like that here sometimes at the Museum of Natural History, and it's always a real treat for me, though Alison finds it a little creepy.

- Andrew

8:44 PM  

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