Monday, March 20, 2006

March Break Over!!! - Yeahhh

Hannah and Jack are back at school today - and speaking for Dana and myself - thank god! They have been at eachother's throats and partly due to the fact it's still cold out and inside we are all confined to a small area of the house. Erika is coming over to watch Henry today because Dana has been called to Jury Duty...well not yet, just the first stage where you wait and they decide if you are what they are looking for. Hopefully it won't take all day, but I imagine it will and the fact she has to drive all the way to Newmarket - it will probably take up most of the day.

Yesterday we tried out the Richmond Hill Wave Pool - what a fun place! The kids had a great time, especially Henry - he really enjoyed the waves and the pool was perfect - a gradual beach-like entry. On another note, Jack went to his first sleepover - and it went smoothly, they stayed up late watching a t.v. after going to see The Shaggy Dog... what a grown up little boy.
House construction starts back up today - flooring should be in on Wednesday (hopefully) we have to put a new sub-floor in...which wasn't in the budget...oh the budget.

A few Henry-ism's;
ohshoot - (said really quickly) used when told he can't go somewhere or we can't find a toy he is searching for.

yippeee - used when told he can go somewhere or when you do find his toy

ooooppppps - said when he drops anything, really anything.

broommm broommm - car, truck...anything the drives around


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