Thursday, March 16, 2006


Will type with eyes closed...excuse typos. Hurt my eyes very much today, soaked contact lenses for 4 days in wrong solution then put thme in my eyes...stung so much. Rinsed them off & put thme back in for many hours even though still hurt...figured it would go away. No, really. Ended up having some kind of IV flush in my eyes at the hospital tonight & can't keep my eyes open for too much pain. NO eye damage though, thank goodness. Going to bed soon wiht lots of Tylenol. Shouldn't talk like a robot just because eyes are c losed, sorry.

Lots of renovation photos.

Yesterday...Jason surveying new hole in wall with 3 spots for pendant lights above.

 hole cleaned up somewhat but oops, that end little wall wasn't supposed to come off. That will be put back maybe tomorrow.

Another view from today...potlights put in, fridge area dry-walled. I've been skipping this view so I"ll show you a before photo too...

And one more view from today and before...

this one wasn;t taken from the same angle so it's hard to tell, but where there once was a door, there's not anymore. Don't go crazy on this one, you'll just have to trust us. It makes room for the stove AND in the 5 years we lived here, we've never used that door. It doesn't really go anywhere we want to go. Plus the natural light will be replaced by all the natural light now flooding in from the living room.

Ok, so that all rquired a little too much eyes open. even with the lights out & my sunglasses on, it's still too bright. - Dana


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Wow...I can't wait to see more. I'm excited & it's not even my kitchen. I hope your pain has eased Dana. Happy Renovations. Mary

1:44 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I am typing this with my eyes closed in sympathy of your hardhip. I hope the kitchen comes out real nice. It looked like a pretty huge undertakinjg when I had my eyes open.

- Andrew

4:07 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Hope your eyes feel better now! -Ali

Looking down this page, my word verification almost says "nuke 'em, huey"!

4:32 PM  

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