Friday, March 10, 2006

Jack's Birthday!

Today was Jack's birthday party. Erika made a fantastic cake which Jack was thrilled with - thanks so much Erika, it was great - the kids loved it, especially when they found out they got to take home a Hot Wheels car off the cake!

An all boys party sure is different from a girls party...Hannah wasn't home she was at an all-day craft making thingy - she came home with hundreds of crafts...

Anyway, yes a boys party if a little louder, a little more chaotic - different - at one point Dana went downstairs to see what they were up to, they were all playing cars - then this one kid shouted out "Let's get this party started!!" and Jack of stands on the couch, with his arms in the air, shouts back to everyone "YEAH!! LET'S GET THIS SICK PARTY STARTED" Sick being the new great, wicked, awesome - I guess... Where does he get these things - a new wonderful phrase from my 5-year old.

The party was a lot of fun, Jack had a great time and enjoyed being the centre of attention. Dana and I are glad all parties went well and that party-season is now officially completed. - J


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome cake! Grave Digger was definitely pulling some SICK air over all those cars (see how hip I am?) Hope you had a great birthday Jack!


10:14 PM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...


That comment you left was so sick!

9:41 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

That cake is soooo awesome! Hannah's cake was too but wow...I'm very impressed! Those parties look like fun...the boys seem a little less subdued than the girls! haha
wish I could have helped out too...
love, Ali

4:03 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Man, is that funny! That Jack really cracks me up.

- Andrew

4:10 PM  

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