Sunday, March 05, 2006


We celebrated the kids birthdays with Nan & Grampa, Eri, Mike & Bennett today...mostly it was Henry's party since the other 2 will have parties with their friends this week, but everyone got presents. It was great! Henry was so surprised and excited by everything. He had the same reaction no matter how big or small, balloons - oh! Dora napkins - oh! A card - oh! Hannah got her ears pierced as a big surprise gift. She read about it in her birthday card & then we went out to have them pierced only a couple of hours later...can't believe I was able to keep that a secret, not only from Hannah but from Mom & Eri. Thanks so much for the great gifts everyone...and Memu & Rob too! And of course I had to include one photo of Henry's new "angry face". - Dana


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday and the photos are great. Wish we could be there to celebrate. Looks like everyone had fun. Love, Memu, Rob & the boys.

8:23 AM  

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