Friday, March 03, 2006

Yes, I have 2 on March 6, and 1 on March 8.

"You should just have one big party for all three kids and be done with it" I have heard that comment so many times at work when I mention we have three kids who have birthdays next week. I used to think that too, I told Dana once that we could just do one party until they were ten - she looked at me like I was crazy. So we are having three birthday parties in one week - a lot of planning to do and we are way way behind. We just got the invitations out the other day and I bought some presents last night, it will be interesting.

It doesn't help that Dana is still sick, Hannah is home again today, for the 5th day in a row. Poor Dana, I think she has the flu and can't shake it. Dana gets the short end of the stick being a stay-at-home mom and no real rest, she did get a good nap in when Eri came over. It doesn't help things when we are trying to get ready for a kitchen renovation that starts just after birthday party season.

Okay enough's good. When is spring anyway? Jack has been invited to his first sleepover...and very excited too. Henry is entering the 2's...he now has perfected an angry face - and it's not pretty. Looking forward to the weekend - j


Blogger Andrew said...

Pictures! Pictures! I wanna see that angry face. I'm imagaining a King Kong sort of thing.

Hope Dana's feeling better real soon. Poor Dado!

- Andrew

4:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should cancel the party on Sunday. That one wasn't even mentioned. If Dana has the flu, it could take a week to get over it. Rick and I both had it last year and din't feel normal for a month. No one will be hurt if you don't do 3 or 4 birthday parties. In fact, I agree with Jason - 1 party is plenty.

Hope you are all feeling better but do take it easy (if that's possbile). Put off anything you can. If you try to keep going, it is takes longer to recuperate.

Talk with you soon ( or when you're better).

Staying away from germs ( I was fighting a flu yesterday and kDad has a cold)

6:10 PM  

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