Saturday, February 25, 2006

My Wife Is M.I.A.

So Dana left for a Mom's Weekend with 5 other Mom's from Hannah and Jack's school. They went to a cottage for the weekend, to rest their weary selves and sit around and discuss their feelings and connect through shared experiences of motherhood.....really they are probably just drinking wine and eating fine cheeses and laughing at their husbands. I am glad she went, she deserves it.

I, on the other hand am trying to keep up the fort here with 3 children, sometimes only 2 when I can't find the other one - Henry did close himself into the closet for awhile, but was found after only a few minutes, no harm done. Swimming lessons went well this morning, all survived, and all were given a passing grade to move onto the next level. Hannah was off to a 'beach birthday party' today and that made me think that we have to get started on planning three birthday parties very soon. Hannah is having a flower party, not sure what's involved with that...Jack wants a Hot Wheels party - should be okay, and Henry isn't sure if he wants a Dora theme or a Barney theme...

Instead of making dinner, we went to Burger King, mainly because they have a playland and the kids had fun getting lost in the maze. It was harder for Henry because it was hard to climb up, so Hannah had to hike him up a few times. It was at this same BK that Jack got stuck, when he was 2, at the top of this 10 foot climber for kids, I had to make my way up 6ft4 body trying to climb up through this tube made for kids under 8 years of age... I was able to reach him but I got stuck and had these kids at my ankles shouting "move, move"...I wasn't about to let Henry get too far this time as I didn't want a repeat situation.

Home safe and sound now...ready to put one to bed in a few minutes - Henry missed his nap today so hopefully they will sleep in until at least 8...maybe if I forget to turn the monitor on....hmmm what would Dana do?...oh well she isn't here....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turn off the monitor!!!! We didn't have such a thing when our kids were growing up and they all suvived!
If you're lucky, Jack and Hannah can get up , make breakfast and get Henry up.

Good luck, you're an amazing Dad.

8:48 PM  

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