Tuesday, March 14, 2006

We've been in bed!

I can't believe that was only yesterday that Jason wrote that entry! Not too long before dinner yesterday, Jack got sick to his stomach. We felt so sorry for him. Jason & I had even talked about how poorly we thought Jack would handle it if he got sick too since he's never thrown up in his life and is way more likely to freak out about that sort of thing. On the contrary, he immediately asked if he could watch 4 episodes of PeeWee's Playhouse in a row since that's what Hannah got to do when she was sick. So off to bed with a mini DVD player & a bucket for him & next thing you know, Henry's getting sick. He's a bit trickier since he doesn't understand & can't warn us. Then suddenly Jason's sick. So I'm feeling a little overwhelmed but grateful that I'm feeling well since they've all dropped like flies. Jason slept on the bathroom floor much of the night and so did wee Henry. He looked so cute all wrapped in towels on his back asleep with his hands behind his head. Then, come 11pm...should have seen it coming. I was sick too. It was an AWFUL night! No one slept (except Hannah who's fully recovered) and the crew arrived at 8am to start LOUD construction on the kitchen. We all spent most of the day in bed and are generally feeling better. Jason's looking a little rough still & I don't dare eat anything, but Henry's bounced right back!
In the meantime, kitchen reno is well under way.

Sunday, the kitchen emptied out in anticipation of the demolition (fridge is in our front hallway!)

Monday, demolition crew tears down cabinets, bulk heads & all floors.

Tuesday, half wall is partially removed and new space created for fridge...thermostat is moved to a new wall & for some reason the furnace won't come on. Someone else is called in to fix the problem...they arrive at 7:30pm! Shivery sick people everywhere, but we have heat again!


Blogger EJ said...

You poor guys! What a crappy March break. Glad to hear you're mostly recovering though. Can't wait to see what's been done to the kitchen.

9:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the new kitchen!

4:41 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Oh, man! That sounds like a nightmare! You poor sweeties...hope you're feeling better now.

Ali :)

6:47 AM  

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