Friday, March 24, 2006

Is Henry 2? You bet he is!

Henry sure is a good little boy, but boy oh boy the day he turned two is the day he started into the terrible two's... Like clockwork. He has a little temper tantrum where he just throws himself down on the floor dramatically, sometimes hitting his head on the floor or wall. He doesn't like listening all of a sudden either - bolting for any exit he can find.

With patience Dana and I are trying to teach him to listen, and we are putting him in his crib when he kicks or hits, yesterday though he was very grumpy and each time I took him out he would look right in my eyes and hit me upside the head....this went on for a few times and each time I would place him back in the crib and leave the room laughing to myself because he was so sneaky about it. First he would say "out daddy, out" and look very sad, so I would pick him up and he would cuddle me, then look at me and then Smack!

The other two were not hitters so this is something we will have to nip in the bud quickly, he doesn't like going back in his crib or his room when he is misbehaving so hopefully this will have some positive effect - either that or I will have to put a bike helmet on.

Henry is a good boy though (baby to him, he says "ReRe Baby"), yesterday I was watching him play and he was holding a shoe up to his ear saying "Hello Daddy? Hello?" it was very cute.

Floors go in tomorrow, new sink arrived via ups/via ebay... and ikea delivered all the cabinets so the house is full of boxes and boxes of everything - now it just has to be put together (not by me!) and then we are almost done!! - J


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just saw the lonely giraffe...looks like he's not up to the shananagans we witnessed last year...Today is Zoe's birthday and we're eager to go see the horses ...will send photos.
Love, Nancy xoxo

9:09 AM  

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