Tuesday, April 25, 2006

No T.V. For You!

It's turn off your t.v. week and we are participating...well the kids are, I work at a t.v. station so it makes it a little difficult to fully participate, but at home I will try my best. All of the kids at school are doing this too, and so far ours are along for the ride, a little withdrawl yesterday but so far so good. They don't generally watch that much t.v. anyway, a few minutes before school in the morning, and usually a half hour before bedtime. It's a good week for the vcr/dvd player to break and won't be returned until next week sometime. Never buy cheap electronics, it is not worth it... - j


Blogger Andrew said...

Wow, good for you guys! We don't watch much teev either, but if I couldn't rent movies I'd probably curl up into a little ball and slowly disintegrate.

- Andrew

P.S. - This is Ripley's-style weird, but the word verification for this comment is "tvpro". No lie.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No TV?!?! I'm staying home! Oh my God, I was going to give the kids over a dozen DVDs on Friday too!


8:35 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Ha..yeah I hear you...you better warn your kids ahead of time, they have to keep track of this and hand in something next week I think.... Just tell your kids our tv broke!!

8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh...oh...what will happen upon our arrival on Friday? I may go into convulsions....Nancy

8:04 PM  

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