Sunday, April 23, 2006

Home from Montreal

We had a short but sweet trip to Montreal this weekend... on the way home we were saying it would have made more sense to go on a long weekend, but we don't always have one of those available. It's a long drive for a short visit, but well worth it! Papa (my grandfather) took us to a mall Saturday morning that had pony rides, a train that drives around it, a pirate ship for kids to climb and McDonald's for lunch! I remember playing at a playground in that same mall when I was a kid! Then a quick swim and nap back at the hotel and off to see Granny Gwen's (my grandmother's) new condo and a great dinner there. Sleep, up for a breakfast out with Granny Gwen, then back on the road. Very quick, very busy, very tiring for everyone, but I wouldn't have missed it for anything! ~ Dana


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! The Cavendish Mall! We used to beg to go there because we loved the kids' play area. Pretty funny how your idea of what's great about a city changes.

Did Granny Gwen try to order a hot dog at McDonald's? I remember being mortified by that as a kid.

- Andrew
(I have to be anonymous because for some reason this super slow computer won't let me login.)

2:11 PM  

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