Friday, May 05, 2006

Grade 1 Art History?

I really didn't know they taught any art history to kids in grade one....Hannah came home with a self portrait of herself and a picture of still flowers inspired by...Van Gogh...? She then told us about how he was a very unhappy man sometimes and he cut his ear off, how he used a lot of yellow. Later on we googled for other work, we found a bunch and she really liked seeing Starry Night in colour, I guess they just looked at b&w photocopies. Anyway I was very impressed and if my scanner was working I would post them here...maybe Dana can take a pic and post them that way?


Blogger Andrew said...

You can tell Hannah I saw the original Starry Night at the Metropolitan in New York. Or was it the MOMA? It was quite a lot smaller than I'd imagined it, but also a lot more beautiful than I could have. Art highlight of my life, definitely.

- Andrew

9:11 AM  
Blogger St. Louis Family said...

Andrew, that's my art highlight of my I sound like I'm copying you. I rounded the corner at the MOMA (I'm pretty sure)not realizing what I was about to was a completely overwhelming, emotional, indescribable moment. I'll have to take Hannah one day.

9:04 PM  

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