Saturday, May 06, 2006

Windsor Police Update

See update by clicking here. It is the first time a Windsor officer has been murdered on the job, it's an awful situation, and his daughter turns 7 today.


Blogger Andrew said...

Man, that really sucks! Your brother must be kind of freaking out, I bet. Did he know him well? Kids, drugs, and guns -- not a great combo. Where was the guy's partner when all this happened? Aren't they supposed to go around in twos? Or is that just on TV?

The present tense in the guy's bio at the end is a little creepy. I feel really bad for his family.

- Andrew

11:08 AM  
Blogger EJ said...

I feel so horrible for that poor man's family. I can't even believe the callousness of those kids. Mike and I were trying to follow the news story assuming that we would have heard if it was anyone in your family involved Jason. What a tough life being a cop.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drove by the corner where everything happened and there's a huge memorial with Canadian flags, flowers and the like. It's a very sad thing, I can't believe the kids who did it were that young.


10:31 PM  

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