Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Kartika the orangutan

Since it is supposed to rain for the next 5-6 days, and today was so nice and warm, I thought I would take the kids on a picnic after I got home from work. Dana worked tonight so I really didn't feel like making dinner, so we packed a few pb&j's and went to the zoo. Luckily we got there when we did because the gates close at 5pm, and we had enough time to get some playtime in at the kids Discovery Zone, which they love, but Henry loved even's all new to him this year and he is big enough to explore on his own.

We stopped in at the monkeys and butterfly exhibit (saw only 2) and then we sat next to the big orangutan statue. It's dedicated to a orangutan named Kartika, who "after heroic efforts, by visitors and zoo staff, died due to an unknown family who threw food in her pen" Hannah and Jack looked horrified by this and asked what they fed her, and why would they feed her. Jack said maybe she was allergic to peanut butter and they threw their sandwich at her. Maybe.

We ate our dinner and hopped on the last zoo-mobile ride of the day, we were the people on the train and saw a few zebras roaming about and just sat back and enjoyed the ride.


Blogger St. Louis Family said...

That's so great that you went with all the kids! I wish I could have joined you. I love you!

11:15 AM  

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