Monday, May 15, 2006

Good T.V.

We really don't watch a lot of t.v. these days, not like I used to, I used to watch anything that was on, but now I really don't have a lot of time. The kids probably watch too much t.v. but they have their limits, but we have found a show that we all watch together, it's called Little People, Big World. It's a reality program, but just about family life, 4 kids (1 set of twins), the parents are dwarfs, and 3 of the four 4 are average height. I thought it would be really gimmicky and tacky, but I really think it's probably the most normal family I have ever watched on t.v. One of the twins is average height and the other is a dwarf. The mother, I think is amazing, juggling 4 kids, a farm, coaches her son's soccer team and deals with the challenges facing a dwarf. She is one tough cookie, and the father has more energy than I will ever have, and does everything on crutches.

Hannah and Jack have watched a couple of episodes with us and they are really into it too, I think they just like watching the family dynamic, forgetting they are little people.

Anyway, good show, 4 stars, horns up.


Blogger EJ said...

You guys have got me hooked on that show. There was a marathon of it on yesterday from about 3pm until 8pm. I couldn't stop watching!

4:58 PM  

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