Friday, May 12, 2006

Thanks so much, Er!

I was invited to Jack's class this morning for a Mother's Day Celebration. They sang us songs, brought us cookies & iced tea on home made place mats and showed us around the classroom. Jack & I snuggled up in the reading corner and read a few books before he was dismissed for the morning. Eri watched Henry for me during that time which was really great! If he had been there with me, I wouldn't have been able to focus nearly as much attention toward Jack.

And now, Eri and Mike have Hannah overnight for a special sleepover. She was invited with a kitten invitation (right up her alley!) and has been BURSTING to go! I just called over there and got all the details. They went mini golfing, had dinner, watched a movie, now they're making jewelry...I can't imagine how they fit it all in! It's been special for Henry & Jack too to have Jason & I to themselves.

Now we just have to finish getting ready for tomorrow's garage sale! ~ Dana


Blogger Andrew said...

Sounds like some sweet business. Happy Mother's Day, Dane!

- Andrew

6:41 PM  

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