Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I've had quite a few small jobs in April so I haven't been taking many photos of the family...I tend to put the camera away when I get home from working with it. Besides some baby and family portraits, it's yearbook time and the first set of pages are due this week so there have been some last-minute photos at the kids' school too.
There is this one photo I took a couple of weeks ago...it's one of Hannah's friend's dog who came over for a playdate. She has a few friends who recently got puppies so Murphy has made some new friends! Besides that, the big news around here is that I got into teacher's college!! York University, Whitby campus. I am really excited about it and looking forward to being a student next year. The timing is great with Hannah having just finished the babysitter's course and Henry starting into full-time school in the fall. I had an information session at the school last week and there were a bunch of keeners there and I wasn't the oldest one!! It will be one intense year with a LOT of practice hours but then I will be qualified to teach!!
In the kids' lives, hockey is over but Jack's into tryouts. They have the tryouts this week and next for next year's teams. He's been to one so far last night and got a letter that he's invited back to the next tryout for that team. You should have seen him beaming!! Hannah's got a few late nights ahead of her as they have their final rehearsals (5 hours each night!!) for the ice show. We're all really excited for the show and the fact that my grandmother will be coming from Montreal to see it!


Blogger EJ said...

I'm really excited for Hannah's show - can't wait.

12:40 PM  
Blogger Ann said...

Lots happening there for sure! Congrats Dana on your acceptance to Teacher's College. You will be a great teacher. Be prepared for all the blasting about teachers' hours, vacations etc etc etc at every party, function etc etc. Jack sure has hockey fever. Good luck.

10:15 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Congratulations Dana!!! I had no idea you were having a change of career- would love to see pictures of you during freshers week!!

2:13 AM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

That's great news Dana, back to being a student, how exciting!

4:49 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

That's really great, Dana. Congratulations! Could be a good way to keep surrounding yourself with kids, without turning your house into a reality show.

I think you two need to warn each other when you're blogging, but I'm glad to see your stories match up.

8:29 AM  
Blogger the Pond Girl said...

Ice show? Check.
Teachers college? Double check.

I would like to add a comment about Murph and her buddies -- how did you get the doggies tails to wag in opposite directions at exactly the same time for that picture.


10:00 AM  
Blogger John and Sharon said...

Ok, on re-reading, I just noticed the "5 hours each night" rehearsals. You are a better mother than I will ever be. I am way too grumpy and impatient for something like that. I'm sure she'll do fabulous.

3:17 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

I bet you used sticky glue dots on the dogs feet......

4:01 PM  

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